Test Case

Defense lawyer Kristy Militello indicated they wanted to test the rifle for operability, accuracy, and range. “It is old, and we want our expert to determine: Is it operable, is it accurate, what kind of distance can it reach?” Militello explained. [More]

Being deliberately rendered inoperable seems like it would be the only relevant factor in terms of moderating charges.

[Via bondmen]

Don’t Hold Your Breath Waiting for an Answer

Who REALLY tried to kill Trump? [More]

That we can’t trust the authorities and the media — the ones trying to censor unauthorized journalism as “misinformation” — tells us how screwed we really are.

And 74 times…? Really…?

Offbook assets and forehand knowledge…?

[Via bondmen]

What’s in a Name?

Routh was charged with possession of a fully automatic machine gun, referred to in court filings as a weapon of mass destruction. [More]

Referred to in court documents by whom, and what are their affiliations and agenda…?

And does that make a Glock switch in a semiauto an IED?

Hey, if you’re going to have a “weapon of war,” you may as well go big. Especially if you’re already “on their radar.”

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