More Like a Slap Fight

Padilla and Kash Patel clash on gun ownership in America [Watch]

Did you see a clash?

I saw equivocation over easily answered questions.

No, prior restraints are not consitututional. It says “shall not be infringed.” Yes, every terrible implement of the soldier is the birthright of an American.

But if he answered plainly, he’d never get confirmed?

If so, it’s because Republicans have consistently over the years avoided using their bully pulpits to articulate the reasons for the Second Amendment, so to most people they come across as something that intuitively goes against everything they’ve been “told.”

As long as that’s the case– as long as 2A advocacy is marginalized and relegated to a niche segment outside of the mainstream– treasonous Democrats like Padilla will be able to manipulate with words like “extreme”.

That’s why I’m not letting up on Trump’s unfulfilled campaign rhetoric and what he could do to start turning things around. That’s why I’ll keep calling it out each day that goes by where he ignores us.

[Via Herschel]

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

He can be clear when he wants to be. [More]

[Via Michael G]

Bottom Line Republicans Didn’t Question Bondi on Her Anti-Gun Positions

How she ultimately conducts herself, despite her assurances to the Committee about resisting undue pressures from the White House, will reflect squarely on Donald Trump. He nominated her with full knowledge that her past actions rendered her unacceptable to many Second Amendment advocates counting on him to honor his campaign promises. [More]

So, it’s Bondi’s job as AG is to defend the law, regardless…? The Second Amendment is part of “the supreme Law of the Land.”

Senate Should Demand Unequivocal Answers from Bondi on Second Amendment

I believe in asking political candidates and nominees specific questions that demand unequivocal answers… [More]

Or they could just give her a pass for “I believe in the Second Amendment BUT…”

A Clean Bill of Health?

Jay Bhattacharya, prominent physician and economist, nominated by Trump for NIH director [More]

The influential NIH is a big proponent of “A Public Health Approach to Reducing Firearm Violence,” a favorite tactic of rabid gun prohibitionists.

The (anti-gun) New England Journal of Medicine concludes “Handgun ownership is associated with a greatly elevated and enduring risk of suicide by firearm,” and in its end “Notes” thanks “Jay Bhattacharya, Philip Cook, John Donohue, Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert, Daniel Ho, and Michelle Mello for helpful comments on an earlier draft of the manuscript.”

Is he the same Jay Bhattacharya, and if he is, will Senate advise and consent hearings find out what comments he provided and how they will affect/inform the policies and public advocacy he will direct if confirmed to this position?

Have Donald Trump and those who advanced his name considered it, and the implications/potential for this appointee exploiting the position in contradiction to campaign promises made to gun owners?

All I can do is ask.

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