Law for the Lawless

The SPLC declined to comment when asked whether Jurgens changed into black-bloc-style clothing and whether he physically attacked police officers or equipment during the assault on Cop City. The SPLC declined to specify whether it had any evidence that Jurgens had remained peaceful. [More]

Of course, they’ll take full advantage of the burden of proof, something they don’t practice with those they publicly condemn as “haters.”

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of Domestic Enemies…

SPECIAL REPORT: How the Southern Poverty Law Center Quietly Pivoted to Gun Control [More]

And to think I had such a good opinion of them.

I’m going to need to up my game. Searching for my name on their “Hatewatch” site only yielded two entries, both associated with Mike Vanderboegh, and none of them actually accusing me of anything.

Of course why Mike, who properly equated racism with collectivism, would be filed under “hate” is also left unexplained.

My guess is because they hated him.

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