The Clock is Ticking

Ballots will be arriving soon. We wanted to give you an update on Mz 114 and our efforts to defeat it. [More]

The corrupt tyranny in Oregon — and resistance to it by the dedicated few — continues.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “The Clock is Ticking”

  1. Regrettably the dedicated few have slim chances of routing the duplicitous opposition and its tools and fools.

    Bon chance, mes amis.

  2. @Anonymous: That’s the eastern part of Oregon, and currently it’s 3 or 4 counties voting to leave Oregon and join Idaho.

    @Everyone: Notably, several Democrats are opposed to this measure. Not because they’re “pro-gun Democrats” (though that’s how they’ll certainly spin it), but because the Measure 114 is so extreme that it WILL get challenged and most or all of it will get overturned … and maybe take some existing statutes with it.

    Not only is it a risk to existing gun regulations, it will put the kibosh on future “gun control” efforts for a few years; people will be less inclined to support “good first step” bills and measures when they have the travesty of Mz 114 as a fresh memory of what happens a few more “good first steps” down the line.

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