The Lottery Odds Loophole

Pro-gun conservatives continue to stress that most gun owners are responsible, reasonable and law-abiding. [More]

If we weren’t, you’d know it. This whole business of “He was a law-abiding citizen until he wasn’t” is just the way these liars try to swindle the thoughtless into accepting disarmament for everybody.

So it should be easy for them to prove it through a tough but fair licensing process.

Ditto for stupid DSM apparat-chicks!

And when they behave irresponsibly with a weapon that they know full well was designed to kill, then we must hold them fully accountable – including with criminal charges and serious jail time. Truly reasonable, responsible and law-abiding people would accept no less.

Yeah, no problem with that once suspects have been given full due process and found guilty. But every time we point to Soros prosecutors putting known predators back into the general population, her lot calls us “antisemites.”

And using “Boomers” to disparage individuals and disregard who they are solely because they fall within a larger group they had no control over is flat-out bigotry.

Right along with “white privilege” and other Marxist lies.

[Via Roger J]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “The Lottery Odds Loophole”

  1. It’s a stupid opinion, to boot. He implies that abusers can’t be punished unless there is a “fair licensing process.” None of the offenders he named are going to go unpunished, and certainly not because they were “unlicensed.”

    (Of course, he didn’t name Alec Baldwin. But licensing him would have changed nothing anyway.)

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