The March of Progress

Attorney General Delivers Remarks at ATF’s Third Annual Chiefs of Police Executive Forum on Crime Guns … First: our work is far from over. Progress is only progress. Our work is not done until all Americans feel safe in their communities. [More]

Boy, talk about slopping the hogs…

What have we learned about “progress“? And “feelings“?

Speaking of which, I don’t feel safe knowing these official swineherds can dispatch their JBTs out to flashbang my house at 3 a.m. if they think I have arms reserved for “Only Ones,” and execute any family member who so much as twitches…

We so dodged a bullet

[Via Antigone]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “The March of Progress”

  1. “We so dodged a bullet…”

    Sitting on the Obama nomination of Merrick Garland for a SCOTUS seat is definitely one of the things we need to thank “The Turtle” for.

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