4 thoughts on “The Ruse of the Fisherman”

  1. The Roman Catholic Church spans the globe and nearly 2000 years of history. There may be fools in its ranks but they don’t rise to the top spot. It would take a fool to believe otherwise.

  2. Considering the source of this folly, I am not concerned. This guy is held out as the “replacment” of Jesus fully standing in His place. What a joke. Not only is he deluded in thinking he has any right to be speaking on such things, he has failed to read, and/or remember, a little incident from that Bood he is supposed to be following. In this Book Jesus, the One this guy supposedly represents, is talking ti His guys, knowing His time on earth is whort. He is telling them of some inportant things relating to their “mission” ince He is no linger with them. They ned to carry on in the work begun. He COMMANDS them to bring a sword as they go forth into the world. “If you don’t have one, sell your coat and BUY one”. That is in the “imperative” voice, meaning it is a command: DO THIS. Further, that greek word ranslated as “sword” is no cute little toad stabber one could slip up his sleeve to cinceal. Nope. It is a full on battle sword, designed to wade into a melée and make hay on the enemy. Make of that what you will, but this pope guy needs to READ that Book and take what IT says to hear. But then, he did not successfully climb that ladder to the top of that organisaion without playing to the movers and shakers of the outfit he now “leads”. Anyone who pays him any heed deserves the outcome of taking his advice. John (he apostle)’s REvelation oif Jesus Christ has some choice words in warning to that false church and they who adhere to it.

  3. Si vis pacem, para bellum.
    If you want peace, prepare for war.

    I suggest that Pope Francis lead by example, to not “para bellum” by completely disarming and disbanding the Swiss Guard. His successor may quickly reverse that decision.
    Just think how many poor people could be fed, clothed and housed with the funds now expended on the Swiss Guard. The rate of succession of the Papacy may quicken.

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