2 thoughts on “To Be or Not to Be”

  1. I’ve said this before, but I think it bears repeating. There are numerous scientific studies that demonstrate that almost certainly the best ways to decrease suicides are 1) encourage faith, and 2) support the traditional nuclear family. Both are profoundly effective. High intrinsic religiosity (i.e. “really” being a believer rather than a nominal adherent) is associated with a reduction of between 40% and 70% in “deaths of despair” which includes suicide, self-harm, drug use, etc. Children raised in faith have better self-esteem, fewer behavioral problems, less drug use, lower rates of risky behavior, fewer unwanted pregnancies, and better overall health. In general, high intrinsic religiosity has the similar effect on mortality as smoking cessation. Similarly, kids who grow up in traditional two-parent families have better self-esteem, less loneliness, better behavior (in aggregate), and up to a 50% lower suicide rate.

    All this “if it saves just one life” stuff, however, doesn’t apply to supporting cultural constructs that don’t fit the secular Progressive mindset. If it took faith and traditional family structure to save kids lives, then let them die. Focus on guns instead, even though that will do nothing. These people are all hat and no cattle.

  2. In other news, water is wet.

    Suicide-by-firearm has ALWAYS made up the majority of “gun deaths”. It’s typically about 60-65%, sometimes closer to 70%. But 2/3 is usually a good rough estimate.

    While it’s interesting that NPR, of all places, is now acknowledging this, to those of us who have been paying attention, it’s not even old news; it’s not news at all.

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