We Had No Idea!

“People question, like, why do you need my driver’s license for ammo?” Adamski said. “I’m 70 years old, and why are you taking all this information? So, I mean, people are apprehensive about it. I mean, most people understand it. You know it’s not me, it’s the state. But you know there are some people that are just they don’t know why, it’s so absurd to them.” [More]

Yeah, well, where have they been? And how do they vote?

I honest to God think if I were an FFL and some self-imposed ignoramus asked me that I’d tell him to get the hell out of my store, I’m saving my inventory for those who deserve it.

This is the clueless-by-choice population the antis exploit when they tell us “x% of gun owners support” more infringements.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “We Had No Idea!”

  1. Kinda like the L A residents who swarmed the gunshops during the Watts riots only to be told that they had to fill out the forms and wait.

    They responded something like “No! Gun control isn’t for us! Its for those ‘other’ people!”

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