One thought on “We’re the Only Ones Cross-Jurisdictional Enough”

  1. I saw that whole video posted up over at Zelman Partisans. The cops were professional and did their job admirably. The ATF guy was a d**k on a power trip, who was argumentative and confrontational from the get-go, and then tried to claim victimhood and sell some revisionist history as to what happened:
    – “I tried to show you my creds.” No, you refused to identify yourself the first several times they asked, even with two guns pointed at you.
    – “I’m not resisting.” If that were true, they wouldn’t have had to deploy the Tazer to force compliance.
    – “I got in the car.” No, you were wrestled and forced into the car.

    And for a guy who “can’t breathe”, he certainly had no problem yelling that entire time.

    The guy was like every bad stereotype about federal agents, rolled into one person. If it weren’t on body cam, I’d swear someone made it up.

    Also, is it just me, or did the “You guys are making a BIG mistake!” sound like a threat?

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