We’re the Only Ones Hush-Hush Enough

LAPD detective accused of trying to buy silencer online [More]

So if we’re to believe the commies over at the Center for American Progress (and why wouldn’t we?), he “pose[d] a unique risk to public safety”…?

As an aside, that’s a lot of “Only Ones” groups backing infringements. Remember that the next time some “law-abiding” über alles chump tells you “Back the Blue!” with a straight face.

[Via Steve T]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “We’re the Only Ones Hush-Hush Enough”

  1. Could be worse. He could have tried to buy it at a gun show, where everybody knows there are no rules or regulations and they don’t do registrations or background checks or paperwork of any kind.

    Some people still believe that, even after it’s been debunked over and over.

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