We’re the Only Ones Minority ‘Inclusive’ Enough

A purchase order posted in the city record last week shows that a South Jersey gun dealer is sending the city $91,171.50 in MP5 submachine guns. This follows the department’s $100,000 purchase of 10 sniper rifles earlier this fiscal year. [More]

You know, per Eric Swalwell, “a hand-held weapon of war, capable of spraying a crowd with more lethal fire in seconds.” And the Chicom honey-potted liar was just talking about semi-autos.

With the Rikers population “overrepresented” at “56% Black, 33% Latinx/Hispanic, 7.5% White, and 3.5% Mixed Race,” that means the Democrat administration is prepared to mow down roughly nine times more “people of color.”

Is it me or does that track with the way they vote?

[Via Steve T]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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