We’re the Only Ones Personal Enough

Firearm Licensing- The recent New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen Supreme Court decision stripped local police chiefs of significant discretion regarding who may possess and carry a firearm. In the wake of this decision, this bill amends Massachusetts law to bring gun licensing provisions into compliance with the Supreme Court decision and to ensure that individuals seeking a license to carry are first interviewed personally by their local police chief. [More]

No room for obstructions, denials, or delays there…

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “We’re the Only Ones Personal Enough”

  1. “… stripped local police chiefs of significant discretion regarding who may possess and carry a firearm.”

    A little story about one police chief’s use of that discretion.

    One of my roommates was a US Navy vet who had made the rank of Petty Officer 1st Class after being in for 8 years and doing two tours on carriers cycling on and off of “Yankee Station.”

    Somewhere along the line he had acquired a Ruger Security Six. On mustering out, he packed his gear and went back to his home in Rochester, NY. He took said Ruger to his local police to register it as the law required. At the close of his interview with the police chief he was told said chief wouldn’t approve the paperwork because my roommate had a beard and could change his appearance too easily.

    And that use of “discretion” is why more and more states are passing “shall issue” or “constitutional carry” laws.

  2. “and to ensure that individuals seeking a license to carry are first interviewed personally by their local police chief.”
    They’re claiming this is new? This was the case when I got my license 30 years ago. Step five of the process, where the others were, make out the application, attach three letters of reference from neighbors who had known you for N years, prove you had taken a safety course in the last six months, and buy a membership in a local gun club. Yeah, this removes “discretion” all right.

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