We’re the Only Ones Porcine Enough

Looks like he’s no longer so Only

[Via WiscoDave]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “We’re the Only Ones Porcine Enough”

  1. Don’t worry. He’ll find another location where he can impose his pathologic sociopathic nature on others. Bad cops are rarely removed from the “profession”, they just take their evil to new locations.

  2. He lost his job. That’s a good start.

    He pulled his sidearm, pointed it at her, and threatened her with it — but probably had no intention of using it — when she was clearly not a threat to him. In a sane world, that’s called Aggravated Assault, and it’s a felony charge. Then you can add on brandishing, vandalism, and destruction of property.

    If you or I did this, would we just lose our jobs? Or would be become “prohibited persons” barred from law enforcement or simply owning a firearm?

    That’s what needs to happen next.

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