We’re the Only Ones Pro-Gun Enough

From an email conversation I was having about cops, oaths, and pensions with Hershchel:

I had a similar experience with a “pro gun cop” who claimed to support 2A that I had been corresponding with a while back–

I asked him – since he knew who I was and knew I would not do anything criminal with it – if asked if I let him know I was peaceably carrying concealed and did not have a permit because it is my right to bear arms, would he arrest me?

After hemming and hawing and excuse making, I finally got him to admit he would “have to” enforce the law.

I recall writing this up on the old blog– perhaps even having the conversation in comments under a post — but it’s been years and I don’t have time to try and find it, assuming I even could…

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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