We’re the Only Ones Pulled Away Enough

The union representing State Police investigators said the surging number of cases involving “extreme risk protection orders” that require them to seek court orders to seize firearms from a person they believe to be a danger is pulling them away from other investigations and leaving them “overwhelmed.” [More]

Once again “commonsense gun safety laws” endanger not just liberty, but lives.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “We’re the Only Ones Pulled Away Enough”

  1. Note this well:
    “The increase follows an executive order issued last year by Hochul that mandated troopers file court applications for extreme risk protection orders (ERPOs) whenever they encounter a person who is believed to be a danger and in possession of a firearm. ”
    Once red flag laws get passed, who files them?
    Not the spouse, or the kids, or even the ex-girlfriend.
    It’s the cops.
    It’s their end run around your constitutional protections.
    Now that the mask is off, don’t let it come to your state.

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