One thought on “We’re the Only Ones Unlawful Enough”

  1. [Warning: IANAL, but I read legal opinions and watch Four Boxes Diner, so I do know some of this.]

    This is not nearly as outrageous as Fox News makes it sound. The case is in a “limbo” state in between the Circuit Court panel’s opinion and final mandate. That intermediary period is to give the state time to provide notice if they decide to file an en banc appeal.

    And if they do (they probably will), the plaintiffs (good guys) can file a motion for an injunction pending appeal, which would mean the state cannot enforce the law during that appeal (which will probably be granted, based on the panel’s opinion).

    Does that add a lot of time to the process? Yes, but it’s not an unusual timeline for the federal Circuit Courts. The state is just saying that until they receive the final order from the Court, they’ll keep doing what they’ve always done. Yea, it’s a d*ck move, but it’s a gun law in Maryland; what do you expect?

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