What Did They Think was Going to Happen?

Outraged New Zealanders are planning major anti-government protests in coming weeks in response to the Ardern government’s handling of the pandemic, which after two long years of drastic policies, failed to keep the virus out, with the public now feeling the economic fallout. [More]

Yeah, well, until they’re outraged over her taking their guns, I gotta go with Tommy Lee on this.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “What Did They Think was Going to Happen?”

  1. No ‘government’, Anywhere, gives a damn about “Protests” that Don’t include Armed Citizens. Until and Unless, one of these (((criminal banking cabal))) ‘governments’ is Confronted by at least some Thousands of Armed Individuals, Gunning Down their ‘Stasi’ thugpigs, NOTHING will be accomplished by running around in the Streets waving signs.

    Effective Mass Action will AT LEAST involve the Storming (for real, not ‘allowed in’ like at the Capitol) an Important ‘government’ Building, and then either Occupying it for some Time, or Burning it Down.
    The use of Trucks and Construction Equipment (at least partially Armored) negates the ability of the thugpigs to Block Roads or ‘Cordon Off’ ‘government’ Buildings.

    “Demonstrations” like the Trucker’s Protests in Canuckistan definitively showed that the ‘government’ is willing to use Armed Force against ‘Protesters’, who if they are Not Armed and Willing to Fight, will wind up being Beaten, Arrested, or Killed, without any recourse.

  2. as clearly noted in the piece above, relying on “the one source” of information is always risky. I love the way a former TeeVee actor turned politician puts it:

    TRUST but verify”. I voted for him when he tossed his funny hat into the ring for President,after living in California under two terms of his governorship. My rationale: (considering the two unpleasant options “provided” we the people at the time) “we’ve just had a clown, why not an actor?”
    He did a better job than most, and certainly than anyone else since. Glad that bullet only had his initials on it and not his full name.

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