When Seconds Count

Farrant gave evidence that the shooting began at 1:40 p.m. at the Al Noor mosque … The gunman was caught by police at around 2 p.m. [More]

That’s an excellent response time. And utterly useless at stopping the carnage.

What’s the one thing that could have?

So naturally, the communists in charge made the proles even more helpless.

[Via Jess]

Exit, Stage Left

New Zealand leader Jacinda Ardern announces shock resignation before upcoming election [More]

I wonder what the real reason is.

In my experience, global socialists don’t willingly give up power.

I’m torn between whether she’s been instructed that it’s time to move over or else the clot shot is catching up with her.

[Via Jess]

Spoken Like a True Orwellian Totalitarian

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern called for tighter regulations on Internet speech, suggesting that “disinformation” should be treated like gun control. [More]

When you control all the guns, you can control it all.

I think I’m going to write this one up sometime this week to relate an experience I had several years ago with New Zealand’s arbiters of truth.

What Did They Think was Going to Happen?

Outraged New Zealanders are planning major anti-government protests in coming weeks in response to the Ardern government’s handling of the pandemic, which after two long years of drastic policies, failed to keep the virus out, with the public now feeling the economic fallout. [More]

Yeah, well, until they’re outraged over her taking their guns, I gotta go with Tommy Lee on this.

[Via Michael G]

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