When Delusions Collide

The View’s Joy Behar Says Young White Males Buying 50 Rounds of Ammo Should Be Reported [More]

Now define “male.”

Be consistent, Joy.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “When Delusions Collide”

  1. Sure, Joy. Now explain how a law or regulation that requires three types of prohibited discrimination (age, race, and gender) will survive Constitutional scrutiny (not to mention the various Titles of the Civil Rights Act).

    While you’re at it, explain how you will define “young”, “white”, and “male”, when the last Supreme Court nominee could not define “woman” and would presumably have similar trouble defining “young” and “white”.

    Finally, explain how requiring such reporting on what in a lot of cases is the absolute minimum purchase-able amount wouldn’t flood a hotline with so much noise that it would prove impossible to follow up or take action on any real threats.

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