Democrat lawmakers in New York State are pushing new legislation that will allow for children to be vaccinated or put through surgical procedures without their parents’ consent. [More]

John Parker…

[Via WiscoDave]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “WWJPD?”

  1. “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!” — Monty Python

    John Parker, indeed!

    Nobody expected the dust up at Lexington.

    Nobody expected Fort Sumter to be shelled.

    Nobody expected the Imperial Fleet to bomb Pearl Harbor.

    Yet in each case, and countless others, certain people often prepared, to a greater or lesser degree, and with varying degrees of success, for the unexpected. And the course of world history often pivoted based on what they did or did not accomplish.

    Those were some of the lessons that Mike said he intended to remind people of with “Absolved.” But “Absolved” was never finished, and never really released for publication.

    In no small part because Mike never expected to get cancer.



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