To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

But a main driver is the growing availability of guns, said Jill Harkavy-Friedman, senior vice president of research at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. [More]

Well, then, we know who we have to disarm first.

Curious, no one ever wants to talk about “gun-free” Japan

[Via bondmen and Roger J]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

4 thoughts on “To Sleep, Perchance to Dream”

  1. Sure, blame the overall rate of suicide on them evil GUNNNNNZZ. Right.

    Saw some hard stats comparing Canada and US over suicide. Rates per capita were almost identical, demogrpahics and economics also very close. But when it comes to the means someone chooses when they want to punch their exit ticket, US main option is firearms, but in Canada this isn all but unknown. Why? Simple: Canada have all but outlawed handguns.
    But wait, how can the overall rates be near identical but the means be so radically different? Simple. Guns are indeed readily availble in the US, ahd all but non-existent in Canada.

    This puts the lie heavily to the writers of this gun-hit piece. Same rate for the exit numbers, radically different rate for the means, near identical demograhics, proves that here in the US the tool used most often is NOT “the driver”.
    They also comoleely ingore the nasty effects the whole Covidiocy has had on society, I would posit that as a major driver for sicide here in the US and Canada. Nearly every avenue of social ineraction in our enire culture was denied us for two and a half years. When folks use “I need a tool/part/fitting” as an excuse to go to Home depot to be around people, somethinng is majoryly sick. Canada shared that with us, if not worse. Trudeau Fils made certain of that. They shut down schools, community centres, church, most offices (no more atanding about the scuttlebutt, you now sit at a desk at home in your PJ’s with your cat on your lap pretending to work).

    Yeah, sure, the gunzzz are the major driver. And I gots me a pet chikkin can fly to the moon and back in a week, all by herself.

  2. “But a main driver is the growing availability of guns, said Jill Harkavy-Friedman, senior vice president of research at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.”
    No. The main driver is the unreal psychological assault young Americans are under from the pro-communist democrats! Guns have nothing to do with it. Besides…self medication from smuggled fentanyl is causing a lot of unplanned deaths too. And many of them are young people who just don’t care of they live or die. Is that not a definition of suicide?

  3. “But a main driver is the growing availability of guns, said Jill Harkavy-Friedman, senior vice president of research at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.”

    Those born post 1968 think that firearms are readily available today.

    They have no memory of walking into a Western Auto, picking a Glenfield .22 off the rack, plunking down your saved up paper route money, and walking out the door with it, much less being able to buy ammo for it at a Seven Eleven.

    So if you’ve seen the list of facts that shape their reality, which says “Elvis has always been dead. There have always been footprints on the moon. All human knowledge has always been a few mouse clicks away. There have always been hundreds of TV channels. Etc.” we should probably add “Guns have always been regulated.”

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