Not Content to Eviscerate the Second Amendment, Gun-Grabbers Go After the First

What’s clear from both the Illinois and the California cases, is prohibitionist Democrats, thwarted by the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, will leave no right unabridged in their totalitarian obsession with controlling everything. [More]

If freedom prohibitionists can take the guns, what’s to stop them from taking everything else?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

10 thoughts on “Not Content to Eviscerate the Second Amendment, Gun-Grabbers Go After the First”

  1. They can ban the guns, but can they take them?

    That’s the question we hope to never have answered.

    Americans have never been like our Brit or Aussie cousins. We’re not known for lining up in neat little lines waiting to turn in something the government says we can no longer own.

    So, can the government take our guns?

    1. Only if the consequences they face are more dreadful and ghastly than the ones they use to confront us.

      Also, let’s face it. All of humanity, not only Americans, would enjoy a far brighter future if four groups of human shaped piles of shit were to be bulldozed into mass graves.

      Editors, Educators, Elites and Experts.

    2. 500 million according to “DATA”
      ….good luck with that!

      Hell, they can’t control Nuke/Bio/Chem Proliferation. They can only slow it.

      They can destroy the industry though.
      Thats…alot of jobs.

  2. If they can’t ban and take away guns, they’ll ban and take away the right to talk about guns, to teach others about guns, to write about guns, to gather with other people to discuss and train and practice the safe use of guns.

    An attack on the 1st Amendment is an attack on the 2nd. And it’s not like we didn’t already figure that controllers who don’t respect 10% of the Bill of Rights, probably won’t respect the other 90%, either.

  3. No doubt they want to but the question is how badly do they want to and how many grabbers sent to take them can they stand to lose?
    My guess is they will have a hard manning these positions.

  4. They go after the first and second amendments so they can eventually get rid of the thirteenth.

  5. My only concern about govt. in these matters is to observe and note and make the necessary precautions in dealing with them. They have declared me their enemy, and I take them at their word, and I believe them to be my enemy as well. That they continue in what looks like an all out assault of my freedoms and property, is well noted, and I do not expect a let up, since they seem to believe they have the upper hand. I have long replaced “outrage of the day”, with “the days situation report”. We’ve been engaged in a low intensity civil war for some time now. See you at the ramparts.

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