One thought on “An Idea Whose Time Has Come”

  1. Knucklehead needs to do a ad bi of research. HOW MANY of those draded “salt rifles” used in certain incidents” were stolen? Or were owned by folks who had followed all he rules?
    How far would this line of “thinking” get if we were to apply it to cars with more than one hundred horsepower? NO ONE NEEDS that much power/speed. They MUST be registerd, a special tax levied, cannot be taken interstate without special permission.. and may not be stolen. And we do NOT have a constitutional right to own/use cars.

    Back in 1903 a new “main batle rifle”was released for miliary service. It used the VERY pwerful ling range .30/06 cartridge. I have personally witnessed a man, using the offhand/sanding position with only a sling, and a small vintage scope, fire one round at a small-car sized target that was a measured one point one mile (two thousand yard) distance. Hit it first shot. How is that ANYONE can own such a powerful and deadly weapon? Bu when I was a kid these surplussed rifles were at surplus, hardware, home improvement stores, out in the reach of anyone, for twenty five dollars each, and when I was fourteen I could have saved my pennies, walked into Western Auto, selected one, gone to the checkstand put my pile of quarters on the counter and legally walked out with My Very Own Main Battle Rifle. We would have had an abundance of fresh beef when I got home with it, as Mom would have had a cow when she saw it.

    If memory serves, it was one of these the Texas Tower Shooter used for his rampage. NO ONE thought to blame his “high powered military syle rifle” for his criminal action.

    Dweebus needs a reality check. It ain;t the tool that’s the problem Its the dirtbag MISusing it. Deal with HIM. All the rifle does is what its holder tells it to do.

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