If You See Something Say Something

Nine surface to air missiles, of possibly Iranian origin … have crossed into the United States at a New Mexico p0int of entry … It appears that, based upon this reporting, that the intended target is the former president’s, Trump’s plane… [Watch]

I can’t speak to the credibility of this information.

What I can speak to is this is very similar to how, from the onset, Mike and I tested Fast and Furious gunwalking allegations, and here we have claims that different whistleblowers have independently corroborated each other.

Does that make it true?

Of course not. This could be conspiracy misinformation/disinformation. We don’t know if motivation is the truth or an agenda. People could have said the same about us — and did.

What it does is justify bringing it to the attention of those with the resources to investigate further, in government, law enforcement, and the media, and I expect about the same reactions/nonreactions we got when we were banging pots and pans to get noticed.

Let’s hope Trump and his people have the capability to get to the bottom of this before anything happens. And if it does, let’s make sure no one who could have done something can deny knowing anything about it.

[Via WiscoDave]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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