On Whose Authority?

[T]he issue that was being examined is to what extent a regulatory agency, a part of the administrative branch of government, would adopt, interpret or establishment by rules or regulations policies which Congress did not adopt and which Congress did not clearly and specifically delegate to the agency to adopt. That question is at the core of the legal issues involving the ATF’s regulatory bans… [More]

Call me a naive dreamer, but I still hold on to a fleeting fantasy that someday, ATF will be forced to surrender my property back to me. That’s why I got a stock I had no use for except to claim and defend my right to own it.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “On Whose Authority?”

  1. CONgress long ago walked away from specifying details of the overarching ‘and for other purposes’ bills it passes.

    It may then feign ignorance when agencies and entities enforce various schemes ‘under color of law’.

    Ergo, ATF bans anything it wants to, IRS accrues almost limitless power, EPA decrees it will reverse global climate proclivities and the Fed decides who will win, who will lose, and who (aka tax serfs) will bear the costs.

    Hope to survive to see the unintended consequences…but that is not guaranteed.

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