So Who’s ‘Ben’?

It’s unclear who’s behind the propaganda campaign… [More]

It hardly seems unfair to note which “side” is notorious for hoaxes designed to smear those they hate in the hair-trigger “minds” of the mob…

And it’s not like the mob isn’t showing us in “Comments” that they’re eager to pile on:

KSA – Meanwhile us republicans can vote democrat with no problem and that will make the difference.

Tom -I am republican and will vote democratic

Sure you guys are.

Meanwhile, Yahoo! News “real reporter” Elias Weiss ensures his place at the table by parroting the obligatory narrative:

… Dinesh D’Sousa’s discredited documentary 2000 Mules and the right-wing ecosystem of debunked ballot conspiracies that accompanies it … “I think it’s a pretty obvious attempt to intimidate people and promote completely baseless claims of election fraud”…

Note all he has to do is claim it. A unified “media” voice means he doesn’t have to prove it, not that his DSM employers would let him try…

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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