In the Spirit of Aloha

Hawaii’s Democrat Gov. Signs Bill Barring People Under the Age of 21 from Buying or Possessing Ammunition [More] The Kapu Tradition lives on in the post-Igeocracy. They know they’ll end up losing and the money could be spent on needed things, but they don’t care. And no one will hold them to account because stupid … Continue reading “In the Spirit of Aloha”

The Spirit of Aloha?

This bill would legalize the open carry of all non-firearm weapons… [More] Then there’s: …despite containing some anti-gun measures… What are they? And I guess a “parade to celebrate the bill’s passage” has to be viewed as any improvement being better than what they had before, but somehow, marching with a spear emphasizes a different … Continue reading “The Spirit of Aloha?”

The Spirit of Aloha

Under Senate Bill 2845 (Senate Draft 2, House Draft 1), people would be prohibited from selling ammunition to anyone under 21 and those under 21 would be prohibited from owning, possessing or controlling ammunition except as specifically allowed by law. [More] In the Kapu tradition… Tribal primitives are beating the celebration drums. Hey, they’re not … Continue reading “The Spirit of Aloha”

Hawaii’s Butterfly Knife Decision and ‘Spirit of Aloha’ Both Offensive to Freedom

We have two citizen disarmament cases wending their way through two courts, but they both rely on essentially the same thing: superstition relying on ancient barbaric belief systems that say the people exist to serve rulers rather than the government exists to serve the people. [More] We are supposed to be beyond rule by kapu, … Continue reading “Hawaii’s Butterfly Knife Decision and ‘Spirit of Aloha’ Both Offensive to Freedom”

The Butterfly Effect

Ninth Circuit to rehear Hawaii butterfly knife ban… In its en banc petition, the state only briefly touched on historical arms regulations in its pre-territorial days. However, the state Supreme Court recently harkened back to the Kingdom of Hawaii — which historically levied heavy regulations on weapons — while pushing back on the Second Amendment. … Continue reading “The Butterfly Effect”

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