Spider & the Fly

New from our friends on the Anticommunism Action Team: Agustin Blazquez, R.I.P. Lula elected in alliance with the Communist Party of Brazil Venezuela dismisses renewed investigation of regime for crimes against humanity Nicaragua now a one-party state, as Sandinistas sweep municipal elections 19 officials quit the CCP during a government meeting in Hunan Province New … Continue reading “Spider & the Fly”

Spider & the Fly

Bridge Man Protest Heard Around the World Nazism and Communism: Two Forms of Full Socialism China using real estate firms as cover for espionage and subversion in the U.S. Hurricane Ian exposes Cuba’s incompetent socialist regime Socialist South Africa one step closer to seizing farms without compensation And lots more exposure of collectivist tyranny around … Continue reading “Spider & the Fly”

Spider & the Fly

Yes, It Can Happen Here [More] The Anticommunism Action Team documents Chicom depredations at home and abroad, including and especially here with, in many cases, the enthusiastic support of embedded domestic enemies …

Spider & the Fly

Ortega regime attacks Catholic Church Cuba expels dissident Protestant minister China benefitting from leftward lurch in South America 400 Million Cut Their Ties With the CCP Taiwan Would Undergo ‘Re-Education’ If Beijing Were to Take Over DSA-backed AOC is a tax deadbeat ‘The Simpsons’ episode trashes capitalism And plenty of other stories from the Anticommunism … Continue reading “Spider & the Fly”

Spider & the Fly

Free Tibet! (Part 1) [More] The Anticommunism Action Team shows what is happening right now to people who are powerless to resist tyranny. Never give up your guns. Any American who demands his countrymen give up theirs is either a criminally negligent incompetent at citizenship or an evil domestic enemy who knows exactly the kind … Continue reading “Spider & the Fly”

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