“Any person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a fourth degree felony.” [More]
“Any person” would seem to include any person traversing the state on these interstates.
But don’t worry. Any person will be protected as a traverser. Maybe.
For this and other “concessions” on illegitimate claims against our birthrights “we” accepted the “voice vote” Hughes Amendment…?
Does any person doubt it will pass?
[H/T Henry]

Gun and Magazine Ban Bills Scheduled for Committee Hearings [More]
NMSSA says “It is absolutely imperative that gun owners speak out on these bills.”
Rhetorical question, eh?
Right now, traversers with CCWs from 23 other states can drive through NM, carrying exactly as they do at home. If HB50 and/or HB101 pass, they will have to stop at the state line, unload their standard-capacity SA, and put it in a lockbox to be legally “protected” (and physically unprotected).
Looks like I’ll have to carry a second, reduced-capacity gun, “just for New Mexico.” So they’ve just INCREASED the number of guns rolling through their state. Way to go, Democrats!
Oh yeah, I forgot… under FOPA, even if your standard-capacity magazine is in a lockbox, you still can’t stop longer than an absolutely necessary overnight before moving on. So much for camping, sightseeing, short vacations, or anything more leisurely than getting busy hauling yourself out of state.
I will no longer even drive through CA, MD, NJ, CT, MA or RI, and I arrange my trips to traverse lower IL and upstate NY without any stops whatsoever. I spend beaucoup time and money in NM, and I’d hate to have to add it to that list.