Back for a Return Engagement

Dianne Feinstein and fellow domestic enemies make another noisy play to start a civil war. [More]

Here’s the bill, that supposedly has no chance of passing the Republican house.

Let’s have a Beslan redux here and we’ll see about that.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Back for a Return Engagement”

  1. I will never lay a bet that a despicable D originated assault on our rights, freedoms, and liberties cannot pass an R majority CONgress. Experience, intuition and semi-scholarly examination show otherwise. The old bat wants a swan song and scurrilous Rs may just hand it to her, in either a stand alone bill or hidden in another bill with the fabulous ‘and for other purposes’ tag line. Dark of Night ‘unanimous consent’ no problem. Every damn bill laid on the table for consideration holds outright traps and unforeseen consequences. I’m getting a bit long in the tooth, memory holds too many examples of Rs rolling when just a wee bit of steel in the spines would have made the difference. Caveat emptor.

  2. They’re just creating a new narrative for the next election season. It lists all the usual suspects.

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