Bump in the Pols

Stop the U.S. Senate from Banning Bump Stocks – According to The Hill, Senator Chuck Schumer plans to bring a ban on bump stocks to a vote in the Senate this week! [More]

What, he’s taking a break from showing us he doesn’t have the first idea how to grill while pretending he’s a normal American?

The Senate can’t by themselves, and the House isn’t likely to pass anything unless a Reichstag shooting makes the “moderates” run for the hills.

Still, if your Senator(s) is/are the approachable kind, it won’t hurt to let them know you care.

In my case, Sherrod Brown’s a waste of time as well as oxygen, but JD Vance has been making the right noises (of late).

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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