A Matter of Trust

Bexar County court records show Diaz has four other gun-related charges stemming from different incidents dating back to 2015. [More]

So, if he’s proven he can’t be trusted with a gun, what can’t he be trusted without?

No social order that denies basic truths can endure, and that seems to be the age we find ourselves in.

[Via Steve T]

Blood on Their Hands

The loudest voices politicizing this tragedy are those who attempted to derail vital public services for the severely mentally ill. [More]

They’re also the loudest voices againstthe law” and for disarming the rest of us.

[Via Michael G]


Young American men will be taught the hard way that selflessness, courage, and their masculine instincts will get them 20 to life in prison. [More]

And thanks to “progressives,” everyone loses!

[Via bondmen]

This is Your Government. This is Your Government on Drugs.

This part is known and may be cited as the “Safeguard Against Homicidal Side Effects Act.” [More]

So what needs to happen if someone can’t be trusted with a gun? Since when is the Constitutional solution to do an end run around the due p[rcess necessary to make that happen?

Guns & Gadgets calls it “the most discriminating bill ever.”

What the hell’s going on with Tennessee?

[Via Jess]

All That ‘Common Sense’ Just Ignored…

Investigators confirmed the Jeep had been stolen less than 48 hours earlier. They found a stolen AR-style pistol on the backseat and a .357-caliber Glock 32 under the passenger seat. Both weapons had large-capacity magazines. [More]

If only there were some kind of law for people who can’t be trusted with guns…

Until then, they expect you and me to give up ours.

[Via bondmen]


The devices, commonly called Glock switches or auto sears, are already illegal under the federal National Firearms Act. [More]

And now they’ll be even more illegal!

What anyone who’s proven he can’t be trusted with these is doing without a custodian is left unsaid.

[Via Steve T]

Without a Custodian

According to court documents, investigators with the Illinois State Police entered a Jack in the Box restaurant in Collinsville in April 2022 to question Ross on an unrelated matter. Ross, who had a gun hidden in his waistband, attempted to hide the firearm under the deep fryer at the restaurant. At the time, Ross was on parole in Missouri for a 2018 robbery conviction. [More]

So he was working an honest job and had behaved himself for four years after the state had declared him safe enough to release back into the community…?

[Via bondmen]

There Goes the Boyfriend Loophole!

The question presented in this case is not whether prohibiting the
possession of firearms by someone subject to a domestic violence restraining order is a laudable policy goal. The question is whether 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(8), a specific statute that does so, is constitutional under the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. In the light of N.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Ass’n, Inc. v. Bruen, 142 S. Ct. 2111 (2022), it is not. [More]

If only there were a better way

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