We’ll Tell You What Your Rights Are

In 2025, several new gun laws will go into effect in California. [More]

More attacks on RKBA, due process, self-incrimination protections, and privacy rights, while dragooning dealers into spreading the state’s terms of surrender…

You’ve got to scroll down to find them. The “real reporter” figured we needed to hear Kamala and Joe prove they’re cluelsss how the election went and demand more infringements on everybody first because of Madison.

Question about Sec. 34210: Do you see anything in there prohibiting dealers from putting a stamp on the pamphlet warning customers it’s state-mandated bull$h!+? I guess if they wanna stay open, because the vindictive bastards don’t neeed laws to persecute…

[Via Jess]

Blend Over, Here It Comes Again

Under the banner of establishing global governance in the metaverse, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is pushing digital ID for all users, so all blended reality interactions and transactions can be tracked-and-traced. [More]

Hey, if you aren’t doing anything wrong… and it’s not like systems are ever hacked.

If only there were a way to control the aftermath, because some things really do call for French Revolution solutions…

[Via Antigone]

We’re the Only Ones Tyrannical Enough

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is initiating Project Tyr, an effort in its infancy to employ Amazon’s artificial intelligence-driven Rekognition cloud service to identify firearms—among other things—and the people associated with them. [More]

Seems about right.

They figure we know their intentions well enough by now to where they don’t need to add the “ant” at the end.

[Via Andy M]

Big Brother is Watching You

The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a federal lawsuit in California challenging that state’s law requiring firearms dealers to video record all transactions, calling it a violation of First, Second, Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment rights. [More]

What’s that saying about 1984 being an instruction manual…?

Democrats are literally totalitarians.

Inextricably Bound

Gun owners are America’s fastest-growing criminal class. One state after another is enacting “Show us the gun and we’ll find the crime” laws. Judges and politicians are justifying mass disarmament in the name of “freedom from fear” — as if no one will be safe until government controls every trigger. Federal agencies consider all 20+ million marijuana users who own firearms to be felons (unless their last name is Biden). Presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden both retroactively outlawed widely-owned firearm accessories, creating new legions of potential jailbirds. At the same time many federal agencies are stockpiling automatic weapons, Biden calls for banning semiautomatic pistols and rifles owned by 50 million Americans. [More]

And as you can see from the other Intolerable Acts presented, it’s not just about RKBA.

That’s the problem with the “single issue” cop-out. Because those doing it know damn well it’s not about guns, it’s about freedom.

[Via bondmen]

Lessons to be Learned

He failed to outrun the taser [Watch]

I don’t know if all of you can even watch this if you’re not on Facebook — or if you have a half hour to spend on it even if you can — but I found this instructive from several points of view, starting with the “Only One’s” bullying arrogance and with the way the family, through their words and behaviors, all but guaranteed the outcome.

Don’t talk to the police.  Had that simple rule been followed there would have been no “evidence” except unprovable allegations by a party with an axe to grind.

The other thing I find instructive is a frustratingly prevalent mindset revealed in the comment by “Todd Ward.”

Supes to Big Brother: Hold Our Beer

“In a 7-4 vote on Tuesday, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors agreed to test Mayor London Breed’s controversial plan to overhaul the city’s surveillance practices, which will allow police to access private security cameras in real time.” [More]

I’m surprised that’s not challengeable on privacy grounds and also as a kind of unfunded mandate since the government doesn’t share in the costs.

[Via Andy M]

The NICS Self-Incrimination Form

Thus, pursuant to 34 U.S.C. § 40901(e)(1)(D), we hereby notify you, and thereby make you “aware” that the “basis” on which signers of the NICS Indices Self-Submission Form have been reported to NICS “does not apply.” Thus, pursuant to you your duties under the statute, we respectfully request that the FBI: (i) identify and “remove” records from its “database” relating to those who have signed the FBI form; (ii) that the FBI (under the authority of the Attorney General) “remove” the offending records from the NICS system;4 and (iii) that the FBI halt its use of the illegal and unconstitutional NICS Indices Self-Submission Form. [More]

Funny, how the form doesn’t include a Miranda warning that anything they sign can and will be used against them in a court of law and that they have a right to an attorney. The workaround appears to be that the signers haven’t been convicted or “adjudicated” of anything (yet).

You’d think the FixNICSers would be focused on industry customers being tyrannized and coerced instead of cheerleading registration-enabling prior restraints imposed by their “partners.”

Any bets on getting the requested reply in 30 days, or do Christopher Wray et al. figure as long as Democrats control things there’s no danger of personal repercussions, they have an inexhaustible legal war chest at their disposal, and if the Republicans do manage not to blow it, the “leadership” won’t pursue things thoroughly enough to actually punish anyone?

Or will they get right on it as soon as the frog march Hunter Biden for lying twice?

We’re the Only Ones Foggy Enough

Police have used “Fog Reveal” to search hundreds of billions of records from 250 million mobile devices, and harnessed the data to create location analyses known among law enforcement as “patterns of life,” according to thousands of pages of records about the company. [More]

Add that to this and welcome to Surveillance Nation!

Hey, if you’re not doing anything wrong, you shouldn’t have anything to hide. Besides, what could go wrong?

Funny, how the economic fascist profiteers behind this keep a personal low profile… The VA State Corporation Commission wasn’t any help either.

[Via Jess]

Suveillance Nation

The country’s largest wireless carriers not only know where you are every time you make a phone call or use your data connection, but they routinely hold onto that location information for months and in some cases years, providing it to law enforcement whether you like it or not, according to carrier letters made public last week by the Federal Communications Commission. [More]

Maybe that’s why they call them “cell” phones…

In a Constitutional system, you could make a case for Fourth AND Fifth Amendment violations without looking too hard. Then again, why should rulers who trample the Second with impunity worry about that?

The Importance of Being Ernst

The senator is requesting that Garland provide details about the ATF investigations, including how the organization establishes probable cause to conduct these visits, as well as whether they obtain a warrant. She also called on the ATF to reveal how many “knock and talks” they have conducted since the ramp-up began in late July. The letter requests that Garland responds within 30 days. [More]

And if he doesn’t? Or just sends back some weasel words that paint the JBTs as heroes out there protecting us from racist domestic extremists? Hell, Eric Holder told a Republican Congress to go **** themselves and he’s still out there being in-your-face about everything.

This is more like Ernst trying to bolster/reestablish gun creds with the uninformed and those with short memories.

[Via Jess]

Coming Soon, To a Neighborhood Near You

The Break Down of The First Known ATF FRT Confiscation [More]

I continue to shake my head at the number of gun owners who don’t grok the basics. And I’m not surprised that they rolled on the next guy.

That said, I don’t think it’s fair to judge ATF Special Agent Chuck Donahoe until you’ve goose-stepped a mile in his jackboots.

[Via Jess]

As Long as You’re Not Doing Anything Wrong… Are You?

Enrolled Agent: Conservatives Have Nothing to Fear From Beefed-up IRS as Long as They Haven’t Cheated [More]

How is this any different from “You won’t object to us searching you and your premises without a warrant and talking to you without your attorney if you have nothing to hide”?

And who believes this fascist dweeb has actual “GOP friends”?

[Via Michael G]

Tangentially-related UPDATE:

Look at some of the replies. [More]

Most of those will never even question things unless they’re caught in the net. Most have never considered the implications behind “He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.”

[Via WiscoDave]

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