Don’t Let Dettelbach Slip in Under the Radar

[T]he Senate Judiciary Committee considered the nomination of Steve Dettelbach to run the ATF during a hearing on Wednesday. [More]

With everything going on, this one isn’t getting the scrutiny it needs, meaning Republicans aren’t getting the scrutiny they need.

It’s not surprising that he can’t define “assault weapon,” but let’s not forget all the other questions.

[Via Jess]

What’s the Difference Between an Academic Fraud and a F…ing Liar?

But if you are going to — listen, now, kids — advocate public policies based on the particular characteristics of particular firearms, then you have an intellectual and moral responsibility to be honest about those characteristics and not misrepresent them, rather than do as Professor Cornell has done and simply invent some scientific-sounding fiction to bolster your weak rhetorical case. [More]

Now there’s a surprise.

Hey, what awards has that guy won? I’m thinking about how they took the Bancroft Prize from Michael Bellesiles and wondering if organizations can be shamed anymore or if they’re just too in-your-face woke to care.

Eh, nothin’ in a while. Figures.

[Via Michael G]

Unclear on the Concept

Oklahoma! Every night my honey lamb and I rub ourselves with mace to keep us safe as bears breach the screen of our lanai [More]

From  my Oct. 2005 “The Bear Necessities” piece for Guns Magazine:

The problem is, U.S. Geological Survey researcher Tom Smith has documented cases where pepper spray has proven to be an attractant, and observed “bears on their backs, paws skyward, vigorously rubbing their heads and back in the red pepper-sprayed gravel.”

They probably like Olives, too.

[Via Michael G]


A Time for Eyes and Ears

19 children, 2 teachers killed in Texas elementary school shooting [More]

Now is the time to find out details. I’m going to hold off until I do before saying more than this: It took men with guns to stop the monster.

That and so much for assurances.

UPDATES (I guess this post will be today’s aggregator for unfolding developments):

[Via Michael G,   ]

Goodbye, Mr. Chips

Giffords, the gun violence prevention organization led by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, announced today that Senior Advisor David Chipman is leaving the organization after six years. [More]

So his usefulness is over, but they say nice things about him to keep him from publicly grousing? Maybe he’ll land a gig with a BQL crony…?

Three and One

Rob Sexton, BFA Legislative Affairs Director, talks about recent bills to mandate trigger locks, create deadly force brochures, and repeal permitless carry, plus a bill to prevent required liability insurance. [Listen]

Damn Democrats never quit…

A Woman Scorned

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Funny, how quickly opinions can change:

What changed? And who is it that’s looking for unrequited attention?

I wonder if those edresses are spoofed or if Curtis and Sam really do work for Kayswell…

You Paid For It

Former St. Louis Health Commissioner Dr. Frederick Echols is taking over as the CEO of Cure Violence Global. Taxpayers in St. Louis City are spending millions of dollars on the program that’s supposed to curb violence. [More]

The trough-feeders just hop from tax cow-financed failure to tax cow-financed failure. Might as well flush it down the toilet as give it to the utter incompetent in the Peewee Herman costume…

[Via bondmen]

Great Expectations

On May 22-28, 2022, ultimate control over America’s healthcare system, and hence its national sovereignty, will be delivered for a vote to the World Health Organization’s governing legislative body, the World Health Assembly (WHA). [More]

Well, how else are we going to usher in the “Great Reset“?

And how soon will criticizing that be condemned as a white supremacist conspiracy meme every bit as hate-inspired as references to “Great Replacement”?

[Via bondmen]

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