Columbus Prepares to Pass Gun Control Laws

Columbus leaders are making the argument that despite Ohio’s preemption law and despite a judge’s “stay” order in their lawsuit against the state, they have the right to pass certain gun control laws. [More]

It’s not like it’s their money they’re spending. The same can’t be said for anyone opposing them, and that’s part of the plan.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “Columbus Prepares to Pass Gun Control Laws”

  1. We shall be impoverished battling the scum who fight us with our resources. Yes, it’s part of the plan.
    And an indication that the battle will be won or lost outside the ‘halls of justice’.

  2. The primary grievance that set the British subjects living in colonial North America on their road to independence was the British government’s habit of ignoring long standing laws and customs when it found them to be inconvenient.

    is it just me or did our governments start to get out of hand when “tar and feathers” fell out of fashion?

  3. CO voters gutted state preemption and now the fun begins as various entities begin chopping away at fundamental rights of self preservation with the most appropriate tools.

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