Enemy Inside the Gates

Everyone should read this oped by NRA member, former gun salesman and AR-15 owner DC police Officer Michael Fanone on why we need to ban the sale of weapons like the AR15 [More]

Here’s what the “Only Ones”/DSM combo Quisling says:

I’m also a card-carrying member of the National Rifle Association. [More]

Then he ought to be expelled for cause:

Association Bylaws, Article III, Sec. 11, “Involuntary Termination of Membership and Disciplinary Proceedings” states in part:

“Any individual or organization member may be suspended or expelled for good cause, including, but not limited to, any conduct which is contrary to, or in violation of the Bylaws of the Association.”

Public anti-gun advocacy is in direct conflict with Article II, Purposes and Objectives, section 1:

“To protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, especially with reference to the inalienable right of the individual American citizen guaranteed by such Constitution to acquire, possess, collect, exhibit, transport, carry, transfer ownership of, and enjoy the right to use arms, in order that the people may always be in a position to exercise their legitimate individual rights of self-preservation and defense of family, person, and property, as well as to serve effectively in the appropriate militia for the common defense of the Republic and the individual liberty of its citizens;”

Additionally, Article III, “Membership,” section 1., “Eligibility,” requires that the member “subscribes to the objectives and purposes of the Association.”

But no worries– Fairfax didn’t have the guts to do it to Michael Moore so they won’t do it here.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Enemy Inside the Gates”

  1. Adding to the Hogg’s traffic, ugh, but the ‘gun-owning, NRA card carrying (punching all the tickets) former cop spews all the popular tripe. A good refresher, read with the knowledge that facts and reality cannot win a conversation with an invincibly ignorant tool. So here we are, no basis for conversation and faced with a foe which will use any means to impose its will…good luck to all.

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