He Wouldn’t Like Us Regardless

‘So angry’: Chris Matthews says dealing with rural Americans is like ‘fighting terrorism’ [More]

I guess we don’t give him a thrill up his leg

What is it about “Authorized Journalists” not knowing when to stop poking?

Are they really that stupid to believe equating us with ISIS before an election is going to calm anybody down?

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “He Wouldn’t Like Us Regardless”

  1. “ ‘We think we just put the army in, or Israel just puts the IDF in, and they’re going to solve the problem,’ Matthews continued. ‘It never solves the problem because you enrage people. And we did it with Afghanistan and we did it with Iraq. We enraged the enemy to the point where they’re more fiery than ever and they hate us more than ever. Armies don’t make peace.’ ”

    I’m pretty sure that Scipio Africanus, while its true his army didn’t make peace, did in fact solve the Carthaginian problem.


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