He Wouldn’t Like Us Regardless

‘So angry’: Chris Matthews says dealing with rural Americans is like ‘fighting terrorism’ [More]

I guess we don’t give him a thrill up his leg

What is it about “Authorized Journalists” not knowing when to stop poking?

Are they really that stupid to believe equating us with ISIS before an election is going to calm anybody down?

[Via bondmen]

Automatically Lying

New Mexico’s Governor Claims An AR-15 Is An Automatic Weapon That No One Should Own [Watch]

She knows she’s lying. MSNBC knows she’s lying. It’s an old lie, one that “our side” has exposed ad nauseam, and one the grabtards use repeatedly and shamelessly in spite of that. The other lie is that We the People don’t have the right to own “every terrible implement of the soldier.”

The only people who don’t know she’s lying are those stupid enough to vote for her and to go to MSNBC to be informed, and in particular, Morning Joe.

[Via Jess]

It’s Not Like the Bill of Rights was Meant for the People…

The ruling is major for many reasons, including that the government tried to claim that charter boat fishing is a “closely-regulated industry” to which the Fourth Amendment does not apply. [More]

Ah, the Scarborough Doctrine of authorized free speech exercisers

And don’t forget Hogg’s Resurrected Postulate

[Via Michael G]

A Billion Here, a Billion There…

Senator Cory Booker was questioned by viewers after claiming to have witnessed more deaths from gun violence in his lifetime than “all of our wars combined.” Booker made the specious claims during an appearance with “Morning Joe” on MSNBC. [More]

And “A-rated” Joe Scarborough didn’t correct him?

[Via Michael G]

Morning ‘Doh!’

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough praised the bipartisan gun control plan made in the Senate on Sunday, comparing the actions to Abraham Lincoln ending slavery. Opening Monday’s “Morning Joe,” co-host Mika Brzezinski quoted President Biden calling the agreement a “step in the right direction.” Scarborough lauded the move as incremental “progress” similar to Lincoln’s steps to abolish slavery. [More]

They intend to make slaves of everyone and they’re doing it in increments, which makes stupid GOP “compromises” all the more unforgiveable.

Per a Daily Caller report on what Republican Scarborough advocated when he wanted gun owners to help him get political power:

And despite his modern day support for background checks, in 2000, then-Rep. Joe Scarborough was, without qualification, a full-throated opponent to expanding federal background checks… Also in that survey, Scarborough sided with the NRA by opposing federal limits on magazine capacity, licensing requirements from a government agency to “buy and/or own” a firearm, firearm registration and bans on certain types of ammo including “armor-piercing” ammunition.

This fraud is a career stool sample.

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