More Than One Way to Skin a Cat

America has 20 million AR-15 style rifles in circulation, and more guns than people in the country [More]

No, of course, they don’t have the resources to go after them via the legal system.

Which doesn’t mean they don’t have ruthless plans to eliminate threats to totalitarianism another way…

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “More Than One Way to Skin a Cat”

  1. Another mass shooting by an evil person using a semi-auto rifle. More calls to “Do something”, “Ban these guns”. Pass a law! Twitter and clones are afire with demands to eliminate assault weapons. OK, what happens after that? No one delves into those deep waters. We know there are 20 to 30 million of AR style rifles. There are more guns than the population of the US. Passed laws are ignored by governments and people. Marijuana is illegal under federal law. Not so in many states. The federal government is not enforcing immigration laws. How will they get the guns? Several will be singled out and raided and terrorized to set an example. Some will then surrender their guns – others won’t. The big question is how many will be killed to achieve the goal. Understand, there will be deaths on both sides. During our Civil War there were many in the South that did not have slaves. Never the less, those Southerners joined the war because they weren’t happy with Union forces invading their territory. So, the answer to my question, how many will be killed- is an unknown. How many deaths, on both sides, will happen before the decision is “re-evaluated”? Who will be the enforcers? The police have stepped back to a defensive position (no or little proactive enforcement). The military have been castrated and are attempting to enlist “Drag Queens”. Anyone patriotic, is leaving or not joining. Soros backed DA’s are not charging criminals or releasing them with no punishment. The stats on obesity have greatly increased. So, the question remains- who will do the dirty work? Perhaps a relatively small group of ANTIFA? (Oh, please make it so). I don’t know their plan (they probably don’t either). A word of advice, come early and bring a lunch, it’ll be a long day. You may succeed on some (but not all), and the next morning you won’t feel very good.

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