Not Helpful to the Narrative

Let’s Talk About The Gender-Poisoned Mass Shooter Trend The Media Are Trying To Hide [More]

Considering the percentage of the population, it’s almost like there’s a story here. Maybe if the same number were white Christians we could get some coverage…

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Not Helpful to the Narrative”

  1. Gender “dysphoria” is quite simply a form of mental illness. To believe people who are insane enough to want to disfigure themselves because they don’t know if they are male or female are certainly insane enough to commit random mass murders.

    1. Gender dysphoria is also extremely rare. Most kids who identify as “trans” are confused and uncomfortable in their bodies (which is not at all unusual during puberty), and not actually dysphoric.

      It’s the indoctrinating and “grooming” school staff who convince them they must be dysphoric and therefore “trans” — staff, I might add, who are NOT trained to diagnose or treat mental illness.

      So when do the trials for practicing medicine without a license start?

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