Out with the Old

Iverson rolled over for virtually everything the far left wanted. Her “leadership” set back Oregon in ways that would be hard to calculate. [More]

It’s a pretty sad state of affairs when the best you can say about whoever will replace her is there’s a chance they may not be as bad.

In tangentially related news, it looks like the judge is seeing how the law can result in “disparate policing” and discriminatory enforcement.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Out with the Old”

  1. “Kanter said the judge likely and “quite intentionally” included scenarios with a pastor and rabbi, who were among the measure’s chief petitioners, to potentially argue when he writes his opinion that “even these people who claimed they’re for it didn’t consider the consequences” of the regulations or if the court finds them too vague or broad.”

    Because it’s amazing how stupidly un-self-aware these people have proven that they can be.

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