You’ve Had a Little Too Much to Think

Excessive free speech is a breeding ground for more Trumps [More]

The totalitarian-promoting wanker says that like it’s bad thing.

I’m sorry, I know you’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but that is one creepy, fascist-looking motherf****r

[Via WiscoDave]

Hold My Beer, Joni

GOP senator rips Biden’s ‘gun-grabbing’ DOJ for taking nearly 2 years to answer for controversial policy – Sen Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, first wrote the ATF in 2022 demanding answers on its ‘knock and talk’ policy [More]

I just got an unresponsive response to a FOIA request I made in 2015.

I’ll be talking about that after I decide what I’m going to do about it.

[Via Jess]

One Man’s Civility is Another Man’s Obnoxiousness

Journalism School’s ‘Diversity and Civility’ Course Teaches Students ‘About Racial Microaggressions’ and ‘Cisgender Privilege’ [More]

Speaking of microaggressions, I find being called “cisgender” judgmental, and prefer to be referred to as “normal.”

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Unincarcerated Enough

No jail time for former East Cleveland police chief guilty of felony charge [More]

Hey, it’s not like they wouldn’t offer you and me the same deal if we faced 24 charges of “financial crimes including collecting and failing to remit sales tax, passing bad checks, theft in office, and money laundering.”


There Will Be Blood

TikToker goes viral explaining how illegal immigrants can take advantage of squatting laws [More]

So much for “securing the Blessings of Liberty”…

The would-be rulers are hoping to provoke a violent response from some low-hanging fruit so they can add some substantiation to their “greatest threat” Big Lie. But they’re taking away the one thing that keeps many people in line– that they have something to lose. Mess with people’s homes and it may be a push too far that starts a chain reaction.

Sow the wind…

Lest Ye Be Judged

Just what we need for the already subversive Seventh Circuit

How this not an admission of malpractice meriting — hell, demanding — a bar complaint?

Gun Banners Step Up Programming of TV/Movie Audiences with #SHOWGUNSAFETY Campaign

Here’s the (latest) rights scam the Bradys are pulling, #SHOWGUNSAFETY, and, no surprise, it looks like Hollywood is tripping all over itself to do its part. [More]

Just imagine what we could do with an army of Alec Baldwins!

Playing the Percentages

53% of the 21 states with restrictive concealed carry laws have violent crime rates higher than the national average. 55% of states with a violent crime rate below the national average have permitless carry. [More]

And practically 100% of the violent crimes are committed by people who don’t qualify to carry under either scenario and have no business having access to the rest of us.

Get Out of Jail Free

At some point you have to admit they’re laughing at us.

[Via Michael G]

First Hurdle Cleared

House Bill 24-1292, otherwise known as the “Assault Weapons Ban” passed the House Judiciary Committee on a vote of 7-3 early this morning, March 20th at 12:18 am. It will now go to the floor of the House for debate among the entire chamber. The battle against this horrible bill is far from over. [More]

And then the rest of the process to enactment, and then the lawsuits, and then the appeals, and…

When is SCOTUS going to put a stop to this nonsense?

Or will Republicans blow it and Democrats put a stop to SCOTUS?

[Via cydl]

Let’s Go, Brandon!

Chicago Announces First-of-Its-Kind Lawsuit Seeking to Hold Glock Accountable for Manufacturing and Selling Pistols That Can Easily Be Turned into Machine Guns Using ‘Glock Switches’ [More]

They’re never gonna stop, are they?

But the city wants “machineguns” for its “Only Ones”? So is Glock going to continue selling them guns?

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Goony Enough

Hunter Elward, 31, was sentenced to about 20 years in prison, while Jeffrey Middleton, the leader of the so-called “Goon Squad” that abused the men, was given a 17.5-year prison sentence. Four other former law enforcement officers who admitted to torturing Michael Corey Jenkins and Eddie Terrell Parker are set to be sentenced later this week. [More]

So, then… just “a few bad apples“…?

[Via Jess]

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