Proposed Banking Merchant Category Codes Latest Backdoor Ploy to ID Gun Owners

The software would know “prohibited person” status? How? Are banks now going to tap into NICS and perform after-the-fact “background checks”? How is such data sharing with private parties authorized by law? [More]

Rope-selling phony “capitalists,” that is, embedded Marxists and economic fascists, are banking on disarmament.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “Proposed Banking Merchant Category Codes Latest Backdoor Ploy to ID Gun Owners”

  1. That’s just another example of why cash is king. Every single gun I ever bought I paid cash for.

  2. We run a small gun shop and just got a threatening letter from our credit card processor because of the new receiver rules, it is definitely part of the long term plan to choke the firearms industry by making it impossible to use credit cards to purchase firearms. The processors know that at some point they will be found liable when some mass shooter buys a gun using their services to facilitate the payment.

  3. This ‘Amalgamated’ bank outfit just keeps coming.

    And after credit card cos. bar guns, parts, and ammo purchases fedzilla will follow with bars to cash transactions over, say, 250.00, and the wondrous central bank digital currency.

    The cauldron we’re swimming in is getting pretty warm.

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