Speaking of Racists…

“Whiteness is going to have an end date,” she warns. “We gotta take these muthafuckers out.” [More]

At some point, you just say “Bring it.”

The thing is, Rutgers is a state university, meaning coerced tax plunder is being used to feed this evil parasite.

[Via Michael G]

We Don’t Cotton to Your Kind Around Here

Just over a month after an associate dean at the University of Kansas School of Law labeled a speech that had yet to be given “hate speech,” Justice Caleb Stegall resigned from his teaching position at KU Law over the controversy. [More]

So they didn’t beg him to come back and fire the other guy?

No, of course not. Why undo all that work once a plan has come together?

[Via Michael G]

There’s a ‘Cunning Runts’ Joke in Here Somewhere…

The question, “Why do conservatives equate the inclusion of transgender female athletes as an attack on women’s sports?,” prompted backlash from a Twitter user, known as Lauren, who attacked the paper’s “journalistic integrity.” [More]

You not only can’t talk about it. You can’t ask about it.

Hey, it’s not me being painted into a corner

[Via Michael G]

Life Imitates ‘Art’

“After six years of working as a museum curator—at a small, a mid-size, and, currently, a very large institution—I’ve learned how nefarious the culture of white supremacy in art museums really is,” she wrote. “The PTSD from racial trauma that many of my BIPOC colleagues and I are carrying is a clear indication that art museums are absolutely not in solidarity with BIPOC people and their communities as they claim to be.” [More]

Interesting, that she quotes a communist whose “guns…were used in an armed takeover of a courtroom in Marin County, California, in which four people were killed.”

What’s her beef again? That her comrades haven’t established a totalitarian black BIPOC Marxist regime that can give white “progressives” in the art community the Pol Pot “intellectuals” treatment they’re stupidly volunteering themselves for?

[Via Michael G]

It Takes a Commune

An expert on “feminist, trans and queer politics and philosophy,” scholar Sophie Lewis on Nov. 16 spoke at UMass Boston at an event named after her October 2022 book, “Abolish the Family: A Manifesto for Care and Liberation.” [More]

A Tom Petty line comes to mind.

Funny… I don’t see where her bio says how many children she has successfully raised.

You just knew there was going to be a cat in there somewhere…

[Via Michael G]

Most Favored Nation

Their well planned campaign of influence, backed by substantial economic resources and technological advances, has masterfully manipulated the Western elite, media, entertainment, universities, NGOs, and think-tanks to control the narrative on China. Businesses and politicians have been won over with deals, creating dependencies that China has expertly exploited. [More]

There’s more to that old Vulcan proverb than meets the ear.

[Via Geordan]

Laying the Foundation

Why Former Slave States Became the Foundation of American Gun Culture [More]

Because white people are racist, of course!

Who couldn’t see that coming?

And did you know that “It’s only relatively recently that Americans have come to believe that guns keep a person safe and secure”? (Forget “security of a free State”– the old slave owners were obviously talking about a collective right!)

Pencil-necked academic and critic of “meritocracy [and] the Protestant Work Ethic” Nick Buttrick said it, I believe it, and that settles it!

Master Will be Pleased!

‘Anti-racist’ professor calls Herschel Walker ‘subliterate,’ uses racial slur [More]

And if you didn’t vote for Joe Biden, you ain’t black!

I don’t suppose it occurs to “Professor” Sundiata Cha-Jua that he is essentially fulfilling the same role as “the man in the middle“…?

[Via Michael G]

Campus Hijinks

Oh, those kooky college kids! And  “gun-free zones” all!

Boola Boola!

[Via Steve T]

Between This Indignant Dweeb and Greta Thunberg…

David Hogg, Parkland school shooting survivor and gun control activist, to speak at Cal Poly [More]

Makes as much sense as having Gabby lead the Rose Parade

I’m sure the betas will swoon. What’s he going to talk about? How to be an obnoxious little b!+ch?

[Via bondmen]

Mansplaining Your Options, Gals

As an alternative to carrying a gun, Hemenway suggests women who feel threatened choose a different route or run during the day, in groups. If a woman feels she needs protection, “bear spray is much safer to use and just as effective as a gun would be,” he says. [More]

Sometimes, all you need to do is present… and he doesn’t seem to factor in multiple assailants.

I wonder how he’d fare…

Who’d pay good money to watch?

[Via Jess]

Focus on the ‘Victim’

“The victim indicated she was working in her office when a man came into her office, grabbed her, dragged her into a basement, and raped her,” Stanford’s Department of Public Safety said in a statement. “The victim does not want to provide a statement to law enforcement about the crime at this time.” [More]

Here’s a surprise!

Stanford University prohibits the possession of any of the following weapons or dangerous items on the Stanford campus: firearm, dirk, dagger, ice pick, knife having a blade longer than 2 1/2 inches (except for lawful use in food preparation or consumption), folding knife with a blade that locks into place, razor with an unguarded blade, taser, stun gun, instrument that expels a metallic projectile (such as a BB or a pellet), spot marker gun (commonly known as a “paintball gun”), compressed air (airsoft) gun, or any other weapons prohibited by California Penal Code Sections 626.10 and 626.9.

Then again, aside from the absurd and wholly prejudicial “Believe Women” weapon that the left employs to try and derail Supreme Court nominees, and with campus hoaxes being all the fashion for decades now,  how do we know this even happened?

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