What He Said

The Constitution was never intended to usher in a pure democracy. In fact, its two most fundamental concerns were to create a central government stronger than that which had existed under the Articles of Confederation and, at the same time, to protect individual, God-given rights of — among others — life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness from the potential for tyranny in this new, stronger central government. [More]

So you can’t vote away the right of the people to keep and bear arms?

[Via Remarks]

Speaking of Gaslighting…

Princeton University Marks Constitution Day With Event Deeming Founding Document ‘A Form of Geopolitical Gaslighting’ [More]

Well, if we can’t trust the conclusions of foreign-born Marxist ingrates including a Mexican moderator and a Filipina professor of gender and sexuality studies taken into this country as a refugee, whose judgment can we trust?

[Via Michael G]

So Much for ‘Shall Not be Infringed’…

ATF has posted the following corrections to the Final Rule which appeared in the Federal Register on April 26, 2022. The Final Rule, with these corrections, is effective in two days, August 24, 2022. This set of updates provides technical corrections to the Final Rule. [More]

What do you think the Founders would have had to say about this?

Risk-Free Usurpation

…Securities and Exchange Commission, chairman Gary Gensler remains undeterred in expanding the agency’s power beyond its constitutional boundaries. [More]

And the government continues to get away with in-your-face illegitimate power grabs with all means of civil redress being cut off. What’s that phrase everybody on the left freaked out over when Sharron Angle mentioned it?

Oh, yeah, “Second Amendment solutions…”

Funny, how Budowsky so admired the guy who said this

And thanks again, NRA “Political Victory Fund”! Frickin’ duplicitous sacks…

Speaking of a Constitutional Joke…

“My friend from Texas, Mr. Roy, advances the so-called insurrectionist view of the second amendment, that the second amendment’s purpose is to give the people the right to overthrow or fight our government or fight the police or threaten armed resistance if the government is somehow being unfair or unjust,” Raskin said. “This reading is totally and absolutely absurd and flies in the face of the place text of the constitution.” [More]

Don’t tell us. Tell Alexander Hamilton:

If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government…

That and he’s not your friend, buddy

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