A Thousand Grains of Sand

Chinese Espionage, Cuba, and the Panama Canal [More]

Dr. Miguel Faria shares an excerpt from  Stalin, Mao, Communism, and the 21st Century Aftermath in Russia and China.

I’ve been slowly but surely making my way through his latest book. I’ve got to find the time to finish it so I can submit my review to Firearms News.

What Goes Around…

Twenty-four years ago tomorrow (April 22, 2000), Attorney General Janet Reno ordered gun-toting immigration officers to snatch six-year-old Elián Gonzalez from his Miami home in preparation for his return to communist Cuba after a lengthy diplomatic dispute. [More]

Inspiring this GunTruths.com poster.

And now, having been raised and indoctrinated in a monopoly of violence, Elian’s grown into a full-fledged commie!

[Via Michael G]

Book ’em, Danno!

Visit your public libraries and request them: These books are expensive, but they are being purchased in libraries all over the world but few in the US. Why? Instead they are buying politically correct, feel-good and worthless books. Call your public library or better go there, visit them, request these books loaded with the information that they need to order these books for their readers. You need the title, author, publisher, and how they can acquire them. [More]

That’s the same recommendation I made with America, Guns, and Freedom:

Contact your local library. Find out if they carry America, Guns, and Freedom. If not, find out who you have to talk to in order to make that happen.

I wonder how many who benefit ffrom the work will take a few moments to help. Because I guarantee you that your library carries this book.

Now He Belongs to the Ages

Agustin Blazquez’s THE KILLER FLIES OF LUXOR, a novel about an artist’s escape from Cuba into a dream-world of art and movies, illustrates Braque’s insight that “Art is a wound turned into light.” [More]

Readers should remember him from here and from WOG’s previous incarnation.

I’m told that “the book he was working on at the end of his life will be published November 1st and is now available for preorder…”

As always, I never ask readers to support anything I don’t support myself:

What the Democrats Are Trying to Turn Us Into

Cuba’s Eternal Revolution through the Prism of Insurgency, Socialism, and Espionage not only relates the defining moments of the Cuban Revolution, including the Moncada Barracks attack and the assault on Batista’s Presidential Palace, but also delves into the lesser-known insurgency against the communist regime of Fidel Castro when Cuban farmers and rural peasants, led by former revolutionaries who felt betrayed by the communist turn of the Revolution and Cuba’s alliance with the Soviet camp, “returned to the hills” to wage war against Castro’s communist regime. [More]

Hence the question “¿Armas para que?

You really should know about Dr. Miguel A. Faria, Jr. and his writings.

Good. Good. Your Journey to the Dark Side is Complete.

While González’s seat in the 470-seat National Assembly has yet to be ratified with a vote, his nomination is expected to go through. The development was first reported by the Communist Party-run newspaper Granma, which wrote that González represents “the most worthy of the Cuban youth.” [More]

I still think they should have cut him in half

[Via bondmen]

The Cognitive Dissonance… It Burns

Democrat freshman rep deletes tweet calling Tyre Nichols’ killing the ‘result of white supremacy’ [More]

Afro-Cuban,” and the young idiot “thinks” police like those who did the beating are the “Only Ones” who should have guns.

I wonder what he attributes the Revolutionary National Police execution of Hansel Hernández to…

Hey, “¿Armas para Que?” right, young fool and leader of fools?

And I see the theme is becoming a meme.

Requiescat in Pace, Agustin Blasquez

It is with great sadness we report that Agustin Blazquez passed away October 27th, 2022 in Bethesda, Maryland at age 78, from a stroke. Agustin was my dear friend of thirty years, and also my artistic collaborator as producer-director of The Trump Effect: Deprogramming the American Mind (2017). [More]

Laurence Jarvik gives a comprehensive and fitting tribute to a man whose loss everyone who values freedom should mourn.

From our friends at Spider & the Fly:

Agustin Blazquez, Founding Member of ACAT’s Speakers Bureau – R.I.P.

Agustin fled Cuban communism and eventually settled in the United States.  His tenacity and insight into the communist mind are sorely missed.
Agustin produced numerous films underlining the deficiencies of communism in theory and practice.  Don’t miss ‘Che Guevara: Castro’s Executioner’ above (tens of thousands of views!), and ‘Promises, Promises – How the Communists Betrayed the Cuban People’ on ACAT’s Videos page.

On this site:

The story of Agustin’s exodus from Cuba: I was leaving all the past, both my family which I loved and suffering and fear of persecution.

Love letter to America:  I love and I’m proud of America because it’s a country that opens its doors and gives you a second chance to begin a new life with freedom of choice.

Notes on the harassment of the political Right in America today which is straight out of the communist playbook – ‘Acts of Repudiation’

He was also a valued WarOnGuns Correspondent, first on the original blog and then here.

I was struck by a recent article in the “popular press” on “beloved influential icons we’ve lost in 2022” and noted the lead-off was a rapper shot to death by cronies during a bowling alley craps game. I could only shake my head at the pH factor absurdity of how “our” manipulating cultural narrative drivers direct public attention.

That, of course, is part of a plan.

When the self-important “Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences” goes through its “complete” list of departed luminaries at its next awards ceremony, you can bet the documentary filmmaker who deserved recognition and honor throughout his career — and a posthumous lifetime achievement award now — will remain unmentioned as the glitterati goes about its task of furthering cultural degeneracy while lauding fellow perverts and subversives.

It’s up to us to honor and remember the man. You can start by setting aside some time to learn about his work, and then by sharing it.

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