We’re the Only Ones Hush-Hush Enough

Defying presidents and Congress, the ATF, DEA, FBI and U.S. Marshals shroud their shootings in secrecy – Despite nearly 30 years of demands for transparency, the DOJ’s law enforcement agencies release little data about whom they shoot, why and when, and they rarely use body cameras. [More]

They could tell us but then they’d have to kill us. Funny, how this kind of “gun violence” is fine with those who want to disarm you and me.

Anybody else get the feeling this is not what the Founders had in mind…?

[Via Steven H]

We’re the Only Ones Seizing Enough

‘Didn’t State Who He Was’: Federal Drug Agents Seize Millions from Passengers at Atlanta Airport While Posing as Regular Travelers In Plainclothes In ‘Cold Consent Encounters’ [More]

There are armed gangs and there are authorized armed gangs.

Always Think Forfeiture!

You’d have to be a psychopath to do this to people for a living.

[Via Michael G]

Eviscerating the Blessings of Liberty, One Victim at a Time

She successfully navigated the administrative process at the DEA, but when prosecutors filed a forfeiture action in federal court she missed the deadline to file one required piece of paper. That was enough for the government to take her money forever. [More]

Just like the Founders intended!

Unanimous consent, eh? In this case, getting Black Lives Matter to start an “Anne Milgram is a racist” meme would get them to back down in no time.

I still want to get me one of those Leatherman tools

[Via Michael G]

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