The Butterfly Effect

9th Circuit overturns Hawaii butterfly knife ban, citing Supreme Court ‘history’ standard on guns [More]

Here ’tis…

More fine work from Alan Beck and Stephen Stamboulieh

I notice Adam Winkler whining about Bruen creating an “impossible position.” Why they ever invited this guy to GRPC is beyond me– it’s not like he’s a pal.

Can you imagine if we started challenging other tyrannical edicts and programs based on historical understanding at the time of ratification? It could change everything.

Some Good News and Some Bad News

HPD Approves First Concealed Carry Permit for Unknown Applicant- But local guns right advocates told KITV4 that they do not know who that permit is going to, and why only one was announced to have been approved. Hawaii Firearms Coalition representative Andrew Namiki Roberts was 2nd to file, and told KITV4 the first person who filled out an application has not received any notification yet; Neither has he. [More]

So how do we respect the person’s privacy and also find out if s/he’s a connected anti-gun Democrat or a big campaign contributor?

And when does George Young get his?

[Via Jess]

The ‘H’ Word

“It’s not a hate crime to assault somebody and in the course of it use the word ‘haole,’” court-appointed attorney Lynn Panagakos said during her opening statement. [More]

I wouldn’t count on extrapolating that to include other applications…

And speaking of Hawaii, with a new Bruen-defying “sensitive places” bill making the rounds there, I wouldn’t count on infringed recognition of the right to bear arms anytime soon…

Getting the Lead Out

Oahu’s only public shooting range closed indefinitely as probe into possible lead contamination begins – The city confirmed nine of 10 staff members at the shooting complex who were tested have lead levels above the normal range. Two additional staff members declined to get tested. [More]

Define “above the normal range.” Why bring in a military berm, and what does “right next to” really mean?

Forgive me for suspecting anti-gun environmentalcase chicanery at work.

[Via bondmen]


Within a month, hundreds of people in Hawaii could be carrying concealed guns. That’s based on applications so far at each of Hawaii’s four county police departments and each chief’s timeline for approving them. [Watch]

That it isn’t hundreds of thousands is a pretty good indicator on why the place is still an Igeocracy.

And that’s “could be carrying concealed guns [LEGALLY]…”

Too bad vindication won’t include attorney fees…

[Via Jess]

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