Spotty Coverage?

There have been a major development in the case of Kayla Giles. A former Platinum Member of the USCCA who was dropped while still presumed innocent and before all the facts came out. In this video we discuss an important update to the case. [Watch]

It appears there may be another side to the story.

Let’s see if they address or hide critical comments.

[Via Jess]

Lining Up Ducks

Let’s be careful out there.

[Via Jess]

The Impossible Dream

    “Firearm liability insurance” does not exist. By requiring consumers to obtain a product that isn’t available as a condition for legal gun ownership, this bill would essentially ban legal gun ownership by default. [More]

    That’s kind of the point.

    This reminds me of a story I heard years ago about discriminating against black voters in the Jim Crow (Democrat) South, where the sheriff kept a jar of beans at the polling place and administered an eligibility test to guess how many it contained if they wanted to vote.

    [Via cydl]

    The Good Fists People

    The latest attempt by ruling Democrats at the Legislature to curb Colorado gun owners comes with crocodile tears. It’s a bill requiring liability insurance for law-abiding citizens exercising their right to keep arms. HB24-1270’s mandate applies even if firearms are under lock and key in the safety of one’s home — and even if kept to protect that home. [More]

    And it won’t, of course, apply to the very people who are the problem, that is, Democrat constituents.

    Hey, how come when it’s voluntary and market based the bedwetting commies call it “murder insurance“?

    [Via Jess]

    Insurance Fraud

    Some insurance companies currently offer different types of coverage for firearm liability under homeowner, umbrella and renter policies because there is not a specific exclusion. However, most insurers do not offer separate stand-alone gun liability coverage and no insurer would provide coverage for illegal or “criminal” acts, such as mass shootings. [More]

    So what we’re talking about is a special punishment tax for the “law-abiding” being fraudulently offered as a sop against violent crime.

    Knowing what kind of rights swindlers are behind it could have told us that.

    [Via Jess]

    The Best Policy?

    The Truth About The USCCA Self-Defense Liability Policy (2023) [Watch]

    Interesting breakdown, although I do note this guy has his own financial interest in doing this.

    I’d be interested in seeing USCCA and some of the gun video personalities endorsing/sponsored by the company do their own videos that address the points raised.

    [Via Jim S]


    WarOnGuns Correspondent Ron M emails:

    Here’s a USCCA response to that year old YouTube that you posted.

    Yes, I have USCCA.

    I read the contract.

    I sent the contract to my legal provider for review (Legal Shield [formerly PrePaid Legal] which is also a monthly membership service).

    Based on that discussion, I asked pertinent questions of USCCA.

    I still have my membership with USCCA.

    Skinner in the Game

    The lie here is that it will ever be “enough.”

    California bill would require all gun owners to obtain liability insurance [More]

    They’ll then be able to price it out of the range of those of modest means, pressure insurance companies not to sell it, and for those that still do, pass laws saying they must cancel policies that don’t meet an ever-expanding list of allegations using the old “loophole” scam.

    Meanwhile, expect these guys to continue business as usual.

    “Skinner” seems an appropriate aptronym.

    [Via 1Gat]

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